Sunday, August 24, 2014

No, I Can't...Yes, I Can!

No, I can't change you mind, nor your attitude.  I can't make your mind up nor can I make you take action according to your convictions.  I can change my mind, my attitude and I can choose to take action according to my own convictions.  I see a society in a mental fog, putting one foot in front of the other and going nowhere fast.  I'm an American and I believe that the blood shed for me and my children saturated the soil and fertalized a ground that I will choose to stand upon.  I refuse to acclimate my belief system because of dilutions of the truth and distraction debate tactics.  We walk among a people who suffers from passive and selective memory and a society trending toward taking a seat in the "I can't do anything about it" section.  Well, perhaps it is high time we change the seating arrangement, pull our flags back out and wave them like we just don't care.  I'm just the girl next door and I can't fix the nations problems but I can tell the difference from right and wrong and so can you.  Today I will choose to talk about it...because I can!

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